The Koenigsegg Map 2024
As another year comes to an end, we are thrilled to continue a popular tradition with the fourth annual Koenigsegg Map. This project began in 2021 to tremendous success and over last three editions our maps have been seen by close to two million people. In addition to our maps, we are delighted by the hundreds of thousands of views and visits to Egg Registry as we share the latest news in the Koenigsegg community throughout the year, from the unveiling of the Koenigsegg Chimera to the debut of the Koenigsegg CCR in the US market. We are excited to continue our content in 2025 with more news, stories, and perspectives about this brand we all adore. Without further ado, we are beyond proud to present The Koenigsegg Map: 2024.
The 2024 edition of The Koenigsegg Map represents more than 280 Koenigseggs worldwide across every inhabited continent thanks to the addition of South America. This year, to no surprise, the United States of America retains the title of the country with the most Koenigseggs with sixty units in total, now spanning from CCR to Jesko. The United Kingdom is runner-up yet again with thirty six Koenigseggs within its border.
2024’s biggest ‘winner’ is Hong Kong, jumping from four Koenigseggs in 2023 to an impressive nine in 2024: a CCR, three Regeras, and five Jeskos. Hong Kong’s ascent is even more impressive taking into account that two years back (in 2022) the special administrative region had just a single Koenigsegg.
The biggest ‘losers’ of 2024 have been Austria, Denmark, and Canada. Austria lost both of its resident Koenigseggs in 2024 (a CCXR Special Edition and an Agera RS), and is currently Koenigsegg-free, at least until its first Jesko arrives sometime in 2025. Denmark dropped from five Koenigseggs in our last map (and a peak of six Koenigseggs in Q3 2023) to just three Koenigseggs remaining. Canada, previously home to three Koenigseggs (Agera RS, Regera, CCR), is now home to just one, a CCR in Calgary, Alberta. However, like Austria, Canada should receive its first Jesko in 2025.
Next, we will explore the data of the map by region, starting with Europe.
Europe is home both to more Koenigseggs than any other continent and to nearly one in two cars ever made by the Swedish manufacturer. The United Kingdom is home to thirty six units, followed by Sweden with about 28 units (not including customer Jeskos being built or in testing), a number which fluctuates quite substantially as various cars come and go for servicing, upgrades, or other reasons. 2024 was notable, as, for the first time in many years, a Swedish person not named Christian von Koenigsegg took ownership of a non-prototype Koenigsegg within Sweden (chassis #7068). This trend of Swedish-owned Koenigseggs is set to continue in 2025.
Switzerland takes the bronze medal in Europe with twenty four Koenigseggs truly spanning the history of Koenigsegg with everything from the CC8S (multiple in Switzerland) to the CCR and CCX, multiple Agera variants, Regera, and Jesko. To the north, Germany has long been a hub for Koenigsegg, centred primarily around Alsdorf-based dealer Esser Automotive. The very first customer Jesko was delivered by Esser in 2023, and they have delivered a total of ten Jeskos to-date. Germany is home to just over twenty Koenigseggs, though the number fluctuates as various cars are bought and sold in and through the country.
Since last year, a few countries have received Koenigseggs that did not have them previously. Bulgaria is now home to a Regera and Jesko Attack, with more deliveries on the horizon for 2025. Italy now has a CCX, based in Milan. Belgium added a second Koenigsegg, a Jesko, alongside the Agera R it had previously, whilst Monaco received two new Jesko deliveries (both Jesko Absoluts), increasing its Koenigsegg count to four.
France also lost its only Koenigsegg, Agera R #7091, which is now in Switzerland.
The Asian market continues to grow for Koenigsegg, with Jesko deliveries to Hong Kong, Japan, Cambodia, and Indonesia in 2024.
In 2023, South Korea dropped from three Koenigseggs to two, having lost one of its CCRs. 2024 saw this trend continue, with Korea’s remaining CCR leaving for Germany. It is now home to just one Koenigsegg: Regera #7216. South Korea, though, was the only country in East Asia whose Koenigsegg count decreased this year. As mentioned earlier, Hong Kong saw its count jump from four to nine. Cambodia also saw its first Koenigsegg delivery (Jesko #7395), and Japan is now home to multiple Jeskos.
This year was quiet for China (the mainland, at least), with no change in Koenigsegg numbers for the second year running. The same is true for Vietnam and Taiwan, which hold steady with two units and four units, respectively.
The Middle Eastern Koenigsegg market continues to grow, but not across the board. The United Arab Emirates is now home to six Jeskos, seven Regeras, and a total of nineteen Koenigseggs. While the UAE booms, the rest of the region has been stagnant in regards to Koenigseggs in 2024. Saudi Arabia is still home to four Koenigseggs (three Regeras and an Agera RS). Bahrain and Oman have also remained constant with one example apiece, an Agera RS and Regera, respectively. 2024 was exciting, however, in that Oman’s exceedingly elusive Regera became more public with the debut of the Royal Cars Museum in Muscat.
The only Middle Eastern country to lose a Koenigsegg this year was Kuwait, with one of its two Regeras departing for the United Kingdom (chassis #7154).
There are a few other countries worth highlighting this year. First and foremost, Chile received a Jesko Absolut in December 2024, making it the first South American country to receive a Koenigsegg delivery since CCXR Platinuss (chassis #7076) was delivered to Brazil way back in 2010 (it is no longer there). The chassis of Chile’s Jesko Absolut is still unknown and we are actively looking to add it to our registry as soon as it can be identified.
Just like in 2023, the continent of Africa has four Koenigseggs: a Regera in Morocco, a One:1 in Equatorial Guinea, and both a CCX and CCXR in South Africa. However, 2024 saw Egg Registry reveal for the first which example is the Koenigsegg Regera in Morocco, to much fanfare. Chassis #7139 was delivered new to Saudi Arabia after being displayed at the Geneva Motor Show and currently resides in the Moroccan Royal Family’s car collection in Rabat.
2024 was a fantastic year for Australian Koenigsegg enthusiasts, a group that has been left without a new Koenigsegg since the delivery of CCX chassis #7050 way back in 2008. The wait is over, though. Australia is now home to two Jeskos, both in the greater Melbourne area, increasing its Koenigsegg count to four.
Finally, Uzbekistan is now officially home to a Koenigsegg, the first ‘egg in central Asia. The car in question is actually the second-ever customer Jesko (chassis #7507). It was delivered to its Uzbek owner through Munich-based Semco Cars in 2023, but did not actually make it to Uzbekistan until 2024 (it spent time in the UAE, where the owner keeps much of his collection).
Given the sheer size of the United States and its insane number of Koenigseggs (60), it deserves its own map with a state-by-state breakdown.
For the first time ever, California has hit the twenty-unit threshold, putting the state in the same category as some of Koenigsegg’s biggest powerhouse countries. California’s most recent addition is Agera RS #7181, a Canadian-delivered example previously residing in Las Vegas, Nevada before selling to Sacramento. Also out west are Oregon and Nevada, each with one Koenigsegg, and Utah and Arizona, which each have two.
Texas had a rough year in 2023, dropping from six Koenigseggs to just three. It has had a slight rebound in 2024 and ends the year with four Koenigseggs. This will change again early into 2025 as the state receives its first Jesko. Nearby Kansas had a great year, jumping from one Koenigsegg to three, including the United States’ first-ever Koenigsegg CCR.
Illinois and New York both fall into the 5 to 9 units category, which is understandable given their wealth and population. Illinois is home to North America’s only Koenigsegg One:1 as well as four Regeras. New York has more diversity in its Koenigseggs, including being the state that the legendary Koenigsegg CCGT calls home.
The tiny state of Rhode Island is home to two Koenigseggs, near-identical black CCXs, chassis’ #7046 and #7048.
In the eastern half of the country, there are nine states with one Koenigsegg each: Michigan (#7229), Ohio (#7236), Pennsylvania (#7171), Connecticut (#7142), Virginia (#7065), North Carolina (#7172), South Carolina (#7185), and Georgia (#7173), and Tennessee (#7186).
Finally, Florida is home to four Koenigseggs: a CCX, a CCXR Special Edition, an Agera RS (1 of 2 known as an Agera XS), and a Regera.
We sincerely hope you have enjoyed The Koenigsegg Map 2024, our best effort to place every Koenigsegg on the planet on a map. This project requires extensive research to prepare as well as consistent work throughout the year to keep tabs on every Koenigsegg in the world, a number quickly approaching 300 units. If you enjoyed this project and want to see more content like it in the future, please consider supporting us here.
Please leave any comments, questions, or feedback below. Happy New Year! See you in 2025!
Disclaimer: Though the information presented in this article is correct to the best of our knowledge as of December 31, 2024, we do not claim it to be completely accurate. For Entertainment Purposes Only.